Nature Study is an important aspect of a Charlotte Mason education...Here are a few quotes from Charlotte Mason on the subject:
Charlotte Mason Quotes--- Nature Study "We are all meant to be naturalists, each in his own degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things."
“There is no part of a child's education more important than that he should lay - by his own observation - a wide basis of facts towards scientific knowledge in the future."
"Let them once get in touch with nature and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight and habit through life."
(Quotes provided by Homeschool Curriculum For Life)
So...we are diving into the Great Backyard Bird Count happening Feb. 13th-16th. We are checking out lots of wonderfully engaging books about our feathered friends so that we can learn more for our upcoming bird count. We will be reading, drawing, painting and learning about birds and then helping to count the different species in our area to help with conservation and the study of birds.
The GBBC is an easy and fun way to get some nature study in with the family. We hope to do a bird count at our birdfeeder and also go to the greenway nearby to do another count there (we will be able to see water fowl and other species there that we wouldn't see in our backyard).
Check out this site and gather your kids up to help count the birds!
Great Backyard Bird CountBlessings,