Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Bird Count Continues!

Well, we're in our second day of bird counting....the boys are absolutely loving it! The first day was a little disappointing because we didn't have even half the species of birds come to the feeder that we usually do so we weren't able to submit very many results to the Great Backyard Bird Count that we were hoping to. But today was awesome! All the birds we usually see...and then some...made a mad dash to our feeder and we counted frantically and ripped through our field guides trying to quickly figure out what bird was what so we could name them and count them in our tally. You probably had to be there but it had both boys and my husband and I screaming at the table getting excited about all different birds we were was a pretty cool experience. We'll be adding our data to the website later today and checking out the real time maps of what others across the country have been recording thus far.

Elijah's comment: "I wish we could count like twenty more days!"

Speaking of birds...someone at the library saw me checking out a million different bird books and field guides and told us about a blue heron sanctuary at a greenway right near our home so we thought it fitting during our bird learning to go check it out and see if we could spot some herons. Heres some shots Dan got of the Great Blue Herons we saw...

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