Thursday, January 29, 2009

Starting a blog...

I've finally gotten around to starting a blog...I've titled it "A Recollected Life


  1. calm; composed.
  2. remembered; recalled.
  3. characterized by or given to contemplation.

A recollected life...that's what I hope for. I life that hasn't flown me by without stopping to see the reflection of God in it. I hope to use this little space called a blog to keep my family's sweetest moments- moments that might leave my memory if I didn't take the time to remember them and give thanks for them and place them in this journal to be recalled over time.

At the speed that life moves at, it can be hard to keep up with all the true, lovely and gracious things that come our way so I also hope to keep my lists and thoughts of these inspirational things here- my living books lists, thoughtful quotes, other blogs that help lead us in the beautiful ways of a Charlotte Mason philosophy of education etc.

My theme for this blog is Philippians 4: 8

"Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

I hope this blog to be a happy, lovely, gracious little space where I can lay those things that interest me and will be of interest to others as well.

We are a homeschooling family so a large majority of the true, honorable, lovely, excellent things that we will be focusing on will have to do with our learning together at home.

I also realize that not everything about my vocation as a wife and mother is going to seem lovely, pure and excellent so sometimes this blog will just be a chance for me to search for some good in it or to just try to find ways to be grateful in the difficulties.

I hope over time this blog may be a blessing to you as I know it will be for me- an opportunity for me to slow down and reflect on the moments of our family life that reflect the face of God. There are so many lovely and praiseworthy things in our vocations as wives and mothers and hearts of our homes...if only we would gather the
little things up and recollect these things!

Please be patient with me as I will also be patient with myself...having never written a blog before and having recently had our 4th little blessing, it may take me time to get my thoughts together and I may find it incredibly hard to find time to write at all! We'll see how it goes...

