Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another blessing...

How often do you hand $300 over to a stranger?  $300.  That's a lot of money.  We've donated to other families in need...even large amounts...but its still so shocking when we are in need and wondering how we're going to raise the funds for this adoption and then a person we don't even know personally donates a whole $300 to our RR sponsorship page.  That's a whole lot of money for most folks.  It's a lot to us.  And I am sure it was a lot to that one person.  But they gave anyway. 

Wow...yet another amazing witness to me during this whole process.  I could not possibly be more blessed than I have been through this adoption.  It is pretty powerful to say "yes!" to what seems impossible and watch God make it doable.  Little by little...and maybe not in our timing but in God's timing.  He is getting us there little by little.   I have felt what generousity can do to accomplish God's beautiful plans.  And now we have been blessed again.

Thank you sincerely to our most recent "helper" with our RR account.    Please know how very much we appreciate it.  That money is going to help give an amazing little boy a future and a family of his own.  What a wise investment in Gods eyes :) 

Our family will be praying for you every single day.


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