Friday, September 28, 2012

A little reminder

Been thinking about this verse a lot lately...

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."  (Jeremiah 32:17)

So...this adoption and raising the funds might be too hard for us, but its not too hard for Him.

Dan and I have been working really hard on trying to find ways to raise the money needed to bring Joseph home.  It can be all-consuming at times.  It is a heavy burden.  Many people think adoption is only for the wealthy that already have it all together and can afford the cost of a $25,000 adoption.

But we know this is not the case.  We know that God doesn't call people when their most financially established or when its not going to really cost them something.  He calls people out of their comfort zones and asks them to trust.

So we are trusting.  And I've been thinking about this verse, too...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)

And we pray.  We pray each and every single day in thanksgiving for those that have helped.  We pray also that God will stir the hearts of those around us and call them to do something for one of the least of these...because that is what Joseph is.  He is the orphan, the needy, the oppressed that Christ has commanded us to help in their distress. 

So, our human selves worry but deep down we know that God cares more about Joseph than even we do and He wouldn't call us this far and leave us hanging ;)  Trust.  And knowing that nothing is too hard for our God.  Its good to take a minute and be reminded :)



  1. put a little something in your RR account to encourage you! Congratulations on your new daughter! (((HUGS)))

  2. Oh, Elizabeth! Thank you so very much!!
    Can't even find the words to express how much we appreciate it. Please be assured of our ongoing prayers for your beautiful family :)

  3. Kimberly, have you read my blog link "His Faithfulness?" If not, you may want to when you get some quiet time. I have not updated it in quite some time but amazingly, after we stopped trying so hard this time, the money somehow (I'm not even sure how exactly) has come together and we are nearly fully funded! Just be praying, open, and willing to do whatever He calls you to do but know that ultimately it is His call, His son, and His provision that will bring Joseph home. Eaiser said than done but for so many reasons the adoption journey is one that will increase anyone's faith if they let it. Praying for you guys!
