Saturday, December 15, 2012


Our flight takes off in six hours...after a life-changing week for Dan and I, we now have to head back home to our other children.  We miss them a lot, of course, but we are not happy to be leaving.  Even though we haven't seen Joseph since Friday, we're still here.  We haven't left him.  But now we have to go. I think I'll probably have my little break down moment on the plane this afternoon as we fly out...I'm sure all the other passengers are going to get a little worried about the hugely pregnant american woman sobbing her eyes out in the aisle next to them... ;)

I am so appreciative for my dear friend, Michelle, who knows what this is like and will understand my heartache when we get very few people we know will truly understand this.  I am also so grateful for the few Mamas that are adopting from this area in Eastern Europe and who have commented and emailed throughout this process...its so nice to touch base with others that understand.

God has been teaching us so much throughout this process.  We are blessed beyond measure.

This is a great opportunity to be reminded that this is not about us.
I am so thankful to be living for Him and not for our own selfish desires in a world where people often seek their own comfort and happiness at the expense of doing God's will.

 My constant prayer...Not my will but Your will, Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I know that flux of emotions well!! Praying that the next weeks will both fly by so that Joseph can be home soon and linger so that you can soak everything in in preparation for his arrival. : ) Much love to you guys!
